SEA PEOPLE, SEA RAIDERS, SEA LORDS: A History of the Sulawesi Seas in the 19th Century (Cet-1)

By (author)Adrian B. Lapian


No Indonesian scholar has demonstrated his skill as a historian better than Adrian B. Lapian.

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“What Adrian B Lapian has done with this work is truly brilliant. He has followed principles that lead to excellence. As an academic, his understanding and mode of socio-culture analysis in the principle of social history reminds that ‘only the best is enough’.” – Sartono Kartodirdjo, Pundit of Indonesian History

“No Indonesian scholar has demonstrated his skill as a historian better than Adrian B. Lapian.” – Anthony Reid, Research Leader, Asia Research Institute – NUS Singapore

Berat 0.450 kg
Dimensi 15.5 × 24 × 1.5 cm
Penulis Buku


Pierre-Yves Manguin


Edith Koesoemawiria





Tahun Terbit


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Jilid Buku

Keterangan Isi

Ketebalan Buku

296 hlm

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